Sharing My Truth with Mel and Suzie
Join Mel (Melany Krangle) and Suzie (Suzannah Sheckter) for an enlightening and empowering conversation every week on "Sharing My Truth." As two women from different generations, we come together to share our uncensored experiences and perspectives on life, love, trauma, and sex. We delve into the hard topics and don't hold back, in the hopes of promoting understanding and fostering connections. Our genuine friendship and shared values allow us to be authentic, and open about our positive and negative experiences, discussing how they all connect to each other. The goal is to provide a space where listeners can escape the frenzy of life and gain a new, positive perspective. We hope that through our podcast, you'll get a little closer to your own truth, and continue on your own journey of self-discovery.
We believe that by sharing our truths, we open ourselves up to new perspectives. These fresh perspectives allow us to approach life differently and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
About Mel
Meet Melany, or as everyone calls her "Mel". She is a 51-year-old British Mom or "Mum" as she says of 2 teenage girls, a wife, and an entrepreneur now living in Toronto, Canada and London, UK. She has qualified as a certified life and relationship coach and has taken courses in Human Sexuality at George Brown College in Toronto. She shares her trauma of a difficult childhood, her joy of being a "Mum" with all the ups and downs, and her strong and loving 25+ year marriage and relationship with her Canadian husband "Max". Mel and Suzie are from different generations, brought up in different countries, but they laugh and genuinely enjoy each others company. Suzie's perspective allows Mel to see the world from a different view point, which is always a good thing!

About Suzie
Meet Suzie, a dynamic 28-year-old Canadian actress, presenter, and content creator. Her unwavering commitment to authenticity is evident in all aspects of her life. Alongside her loving boyfriend "Jeff" and her adorable Pomeranian "Mr. Mowgli," Suzie shares her life and unique perspective on the world. Her strong, independent spirit and charismatic personality make her a standout in her field and a great co-host match for Mel in the "Sharing My Truth"Podcast conversation. Her differing perspective from Mel's adds depth and intrigue to their discussions, making for an insightful and entertaining listening experience.
About Mr Mowgli
Mowgli is our sometimes very special guest and Suzie's gorgeous fur baby. He is incredibly cute and very patient when we are recording our podcast. He is always the center of attention when he is around!